Thursday , 16 January 2025

Are You Addicted To The Internet?

Are you addicted to the internet? This topic has been discussed a lot in the past and is being talked about a lot more.
As the internet becomes more accessible, and the way we access the internet becomes more portable, people have a lot more opportunity to be online. Many city precincts now provide free wifi. Most cafes provide free wifi and cities are being flooded at key locations with free wireless hotspots.

Most of us have a smart phone that is internet ready and portable devices such as tablets and iPads are set to triple in the next 6 months as their price and popularity make them a very affordable option.

Portable devices are also being used now by Day Care centres across the country. While the driving force for this is educational, there is the ability to also access educational products online. Young toddlers are now requesting an iPad from their parents for Christmas!

Department stores are now targeting younger audiences by displaying portable devices in store such as tablets, showing popular cartoon games on screen.

Recent research from the US is showing that 40% of teens are spending at least 4 hours on the internet daily.

Although it is too early to obtain results from long term studies, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders are now listing a new disorder: Internet Addiction Disorder, or IAD. The definition of the disorder is noted is excessive computer use that interferes with daily life.

Our children now grow up with the internet and start using it as soon as they can point. Limiting the amount of time they spend on the internet starts with parents.

While it is important to set boundaries, draw up a contract and agree to the terms you decide, there are many software products that can be configured to set time limits, and some of these products are free.

It may take up to another 10 years for the findings of studies to be published and concluded, regarding the effects of long term internet usage that can be described as an addiction. Until then, manage it in the home, and consider using software to do this.
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